This new episode is in celebration of Jane Russell's 100th birthday!

Jane Russell was born on June 21st, 1921 and I decided it was time to celebrate along with the launch of a new biography by my friend Christina Rice entitled "Mean...Moody...Magnificent!: Jane Russell and the Marketing of a Hollywood Legend".
By the way, it is on sale at Larry Edmund's Bookshop in Hollywood!
The Recipe
Jane hated cooking with a vengeance and was not shy about saying it! Even so, there are several recipes attributed to her. In 1941 Hollywood Magazine published several recipes by
Betty Crocker that Jane reportedly enjoyed eating. They were Mexican themed items to tie in with Jane's starring role in the western "The Outlaw". Christina and I discussed the matter and decided that the Spiced Cocoa was the best option. Since it is 1,000 degrees in Los Angeles at the moment, we decided that serving this over ice was the only way to go.

Spiced Cocoa
6 cups milk
5 squares of chocolate (5 oz. shaved)
5 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2/3 teaspoon all spice
2/3 teaspoon cinnamon
Place all ingredients in large saucepan over low heat. Stir occasionally until chocolate is melted, then continue stirring slowly and constantly until mixture reaches boiling point. Beat with rotary beater until mixture becomes foamy. Allow mixture to reach boiling point and beat again with rotary beater. When mixture reaches the boiling point a third time, beat again. Serve immediately. Note: All the beating should be done over the heat.
Special Guests
My special guest for this episode was film historian Christina Rice. She is the head of the photo archive at the Los Angeles Public Library and author of the book "Ann Dvorak: Hollywood's Forgotten Rebel" and "Mean...Moody...Magnificent!: Jane Russell and the Marketing of a Hollywood Legend".
The Final Product
The final product turned out well. When I make this again, I'll cut way down on the allspice and nutmeg. It was great to drink over ice on such a hot summer day.

Here are some images from the Jane Russell book launch party I attended in Hollywood at Larry Edmund's Bookshop. These items are still on display in the store so go check them out in person if you can.

Click HERE to see artwork and products from artist Alejandro Mogollo.

Many of Jane's films are easy to find on DVD or on Turner Classic Movies. We hope that you will track them down and enjoy! Karen Burroughs Hannsberry mentioned that you can find the film "Young Widow" on Etsy.